Posted by: The Prayer Closet | January 17, 2011

The Top 7 Questions and Answers On How To Get A Job

The Top 7 Questions and Answers On How To Get A Job

January 17, 2011

By Brad Dassey Minister of TRUTH

The Top 7 Questions and Answers On How To Get A Job

So, you’re looking for a job and falling short.  What on EARTH could be the problem!?  You’ve already applied to what seems to be a Million jobs and you are receiving NO calls!  “What the son of a chicken fences is going on here!?”  You say to yourself.

Lets cut to the chase.   It’s all about what I call, “The 3 P’s to success.”  POLISH, PERSISTENCE, PATIENCE.  I’m here to pass off some EASY skills that might HELP you succeed in finding that dream job or ANY job for that matter!

It all starts with LOOKING for the work.  In a perfect world, we would want the jobs to come to us as we sit and be lazy on our bums, but we all know that the jobs aren’t going to come to us.  WE have to go to the jobs!  One site that I check OFTEN is Wisconsin Job Net.  If you do a Google search, you will find it, otherwise just click on this link here to begin YOUR job search in the Wisconsin area:

The truth is, employers add jobs EVERY SINGLE DAY!  So just because you don’t SEE the job of your dreams or any job you might want right away, don’t give up!  Keep checking back, because something might show up the next day.

Secondly, it’s all about getting as many applications in as you can.  They always say, “Throw as many irons in the fire as you can!”  This means, you have to make as many CONNECTIONS as you can until you finally succeed as to what you are seeking or searching for.  So that means putting out as many applications as you can.  However, it doesn’t stop there!  Once you get your applications in, keep calling the places and keep knocking until you received final word.  Don’t call EVERY day, every minute.  Call every two to three days until you hear the words, “The position has been filled.”  A question you might ask when you call is, “Hi, this is so and so, I put my application in last week and I was just wondering if someone had the chance to review it?”  They might pull your application to the TOP of the list and review it.  Chances are, if you are qualified for what they are looking for, you may just get a job interview!

Thirdly, practice makes PERFECT and you better as well be READY for that job interview if one were to come your way!  One thing my friend Tanya and I have done in the past is, “Practice our interview questions.”  Face it, when we don’t use something on a regular basis, we get rusty.  “When we don’t use it, we lose it!”  Despite your nonchalant interview answers, everything else has to be nonchalant as well.

Here are the top 7 answers on how to get a job.  They aren’t the most BEST answers on the planet, but they should help:

1.      SOPHISTICATED STYLE.  It’s all about how you DRESS.  If you come in with holes in your jeans, stains on your shirt, hair looking like you just woke up, you probably WON’T get the job unless it fits that category.  I’d recommend some nice Kakis, Casual dress shirt and a tie.  Also, be DIFFERENT!  Don’t be afraid to try new things!  Gel your hair, elevate your style and do something out of the ordinary.  If you want a second opinion on how you look, ask your friend or family member for their input.

2.      ANSWERS baby, answers.  It’s all about YOUR interviewing ANSWERS!  Practice makes PERFECT.  So you want to practice them with a friend or family member OFTEN.  You better have some good answers if you want the job!  The top 3 interviewing questions and answers that come to my mind would be:

a) “What are your greatest strengths?”  (What are you most proficient at).

b) What is your greatest weakness?”  (Don’t be FOOLED by this TRICK question!  If you say, “Well, I sometimes find myself slacking during work hours.”  You probably won’t get the job, just sayin’.  I would probably say, “I really dislike down time, so I pick up a broom and or find work to do while I’m waiting for things to be resolved.”

c) “Why should we hire YOU, over the next person?”  You better have a darn good answer for this one!  YOU are the shining star, the knight in shining armor over what could be a HUNDRED applicants and you better have a polished answer!  Do a Google search on, “The top 10 interviewing questions and answers.”  You can find some pretty useful information if you know how to use the internet!

Make sure you sling the interviewer with EVERY ANSWER POSSIBLE in 2-3 seconds FLAT!  If you have persistent answers, this will look good on YOUR part.  If you are fumbling around to give an answer, you probably won’t get the job.

3.      INTERRUPTIONS.  NO CELL PHONES OR INTERUPTIONS!  Interviewers HATE that!  If you have a cell phone, make sure you turn it OFF before you go into an interview, just to be on the safe side.  MAKE IT A RULE OF THUMB.  If your cell is ringing or beeping during the interview, you probably WON’T get the job.

4.      ENTHUSIASM.  Smile, be FRIENDLY, walk in there like the job has YOUR name on it!  Give an executive hand shake.  If you aren’t enthusiastic about the job or the interview, why would anyone be enthusiastic about what you have to say?

5.      TIME. Make sure you are EARLY for the interview.  The worst thing a job interviewer HATES is someone who is tardy!  Research and find where the job site is located FIRST, BEFORE the interview.  If you know well enough in advance on how to get there, you won’t have that problem when you are finding your WAY to your job interview.  Typically arrive 15 minutes early.

6.      RESEARCH. Take the time to RESEARCH the company before the interview.  You could call them and ask the secretary questions and jot down some notes.  You could find information on their website.  If you do the research, you will have questions for the interviewer and that will look GOOD on YOUR part!  Why?  Because it shows you are truly INTERESTED in the job and the company!  Some questions you might want to ask are:

a.       How long has the company been around?

b.      What is your dress code?

c.       What is your tolerance for sexual harassment?

d.      What is your pay period?

e.       What is your idea of the, “Perfect Employee?”

One question to AVOID is, “Did I get the job!?”  It’s OK to be persistent, but not THAT persistent.  They don’t want you to HOUND them.  Give it time, you might receive that call and if you DON’T, no sweat!  Move onto the next application, job interview.

7. PERSISTENCE. After your, “Well done job!”  Interview, make sure you give it some time before you call them to see if they filled the position.  I would say give it two or three days and then do a simple follow up.  A question you might ask them is: “Hi!  This is so and so.  I had an interview a few days ago and I’m just calling to see if the position was filled?”  Wait on their answer.  If they tell you they will make their decision a week from the day you called, give it a week before you call again.  If they tell you the position has been filled, I’m sorry to say, you didn’t get the job.

So, now that we’ve covered quite a bit of stuff here, print this out.  Share it with a friend and PRACTICE!  It’s all about CONFIDENCE and you’ve got to have it, otherwise you might not get the job.

You want all the answers?  Look to GOD, your creator and he will make them known.

I want to be hearing that my lesson helped you get a job!  So if you read this, followed it and landed a job because of it, please check back and comment and praise GOD for all his miracles and children.  Amen.  😉

Matthew 19:26 (New International Version, ©2010)

26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Matthew 7:7-8 (New International Version, ©2010)

Ask, Seek, Knock

7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

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Keywords: the top 7 questions and answers on how to get a job, what to expect in a job interview, what will the job interviewr ask me in an interview, how to have confidence in a job interview, the do’s and dont’s of a job interview, how to strengthen my interviewing skills, how to look to god for a job interview, wisconsin job net, wisconsin jobnet, what is jobnet, how to look for a job, where to look for jobs


  1. Some good advice.

    My #3 tip would be to always send a “thank you.” Make it hand-written whenever possible. A quick card that states

    1)Thank you for your time.
    2) How you are a fit for the company or position.
    3) Something personal about the person.

    Send a thank you even if that position is not right for you because you may be lead to a position that is a better fit with in the company.

    • Thank you for your kind comment! It is very well appreciated! You are correct. This is something I guess I totally over-looked today and should have included in the blog. But now it is covered, thanks to YOU! God bless you! 😉

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